We invite you to the seminar ‘Implementation of EGNOS-based approach procedures in Ukraine’

DEAR COLLEAGUES! We are pleased to invite you to participate in the international Workshop ‘Implementation of EGNOS-based approach procedures in Ukraine’, which will be held on 16 March 2016 at the National Aviation University. This workshop is organised within the framework of the project UKRAINE (UKraine Replication, Awareness and INnovation based on EGNSS), which is an Innovation Activity under Horizon2020 (under the theme H2020-Galileo-2014-1). Venue and time: NAU, 1st building, 3rd floor – assembly hall, registration of participants 9.30 – 10.00, seminar 10.00 – 13.30). The official languages of the seminar are English, Ukrainian and Russian.

Press release: seminar on the implementation of performance-based navigation (PBN)

Workshop on the implementation of performance-based navigation (PBN) On 29 April 2015, the National Aviation University (NAU), Kyiv (Ukraine), hosted a Workshop on Performance-Based Navigation (PBN) within the framework of the XII International Scientific and Technical Conference ‘AVIA-2015’. The seminar was organised within the framework of the international project UKRAINE (UKraine Replication, Awareness and INnovation based on EGNSS), which is part of the Horizon 2020 programme. The goal of the UKRAINE project, in accordance with the announced GALILEO-3-2014 call for proposals, is to accelerate the development of global navigation satellite systems (GNSS) applications and promote their widespread adoption in Ukraine. Read more

Workshop on the implementation of feature-based navigation (PBN)

DEAR COLLEAGUES! We invite you to take part in the Workshop on Implementation of Performance-Based Navigation (PBN) to be held on 29 April 2015 at the National Aviation University within the framework of the XII International Scientific and Technical Conference ‘AVIA-2015’. Venue and time: NAU, 1st building, 3rd floor – assembly hall, registration of participants 8.30 – 9.00, seminar 9.00 – 17.00). The official languages of the seminar are English, Ukrainian and Russian. PURPOSE OF THE WORKSHOP The workshop aims to support Ukraine in the implementation of GNSS-enabled operations in the civil aviation sector, including enhanced EGNOS. PildoLabs has extensive Read more

Aviasvit – XXI International Aerospace Exhibition

On 24-27 September 2014, the International Aviation and Space Exhibition Centre hosted Aviasvit – XXI, a national exhibition event in the field of aviation and space technologies. Aviasvit – XXI was held simultaneously and in a single format with the XI International Specialised Exhibition Arms and Security – 2014. This format of exhibitions allowed to provide a comprehensive overview of the achievements of the defence and aerospace industry of Ukraine to the leadership and law enforcement agencies, the Armed Forces of Ukraine and scientific institutions, foreign guests and potential customers, as well as to discuss at international conferences the development Read more

The delegation from the National Aviation University took part in the international Ukrainian-Japanese conference on scientific and industrial production

On 24-25 October 2013, a delegation from the National Aviation University took part in the International Ukrainian-Japanese Conference on Scientific and Industrial Cooperation held at the Odesa National Polytechnic University. The NAU delegation was headed by Vice-Rector for Research Kharchenko V.P. The exhibition featured the developments of the Research and Production Centre for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles ‘Virage’ and the Research and Training Centre ‘Aerospace Centre’. Ukraine was represented by the leading Ukrainian higher education institutions headed by the First Deputy Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine Yevhen Sulima. The Japanese delegation of twenty scientists was headed by Mr Kanji Read more

National Heritage status

The National Aviation University’s Experimental Complex for Monitoring Global Navigation Satellite Systems was granted the status of national treasure. Congratulations to the scientists of the Aerospace Centre and the Department of Aeronautical Systems of NAU on the recognition of the results of research and development in the field of satellite navigation technologies and integrated integration of satellite and inertial navigation systems.

Obtained a licence

The National Aviation University received a LICENCE for the development and testing of components of the ground-based spacecraft control system. Congratulations to the employees of the Aerospace Centre and all those who work in this area.

Technical workshop on TEKTRONIX – KEITHLEY control and measuring instruments

On 23 October 2012, employees of the Aerospace Centre of the National Aviation University took part in the seminar ‘Technical Workshop on TEKTRONIX – KEITHLEY Instruments’ organised by Tekhankom LLC in cooperation with Tektronix (USA) in Kyiv. The programme of the technical seminar presented the specifics of using the equipment of Tektronix and Keithley companies to solve a wide range of radio engineering problems. The workshop programme included both theory and practical measurements performed by a leading Tektronix engineer using state-of-the-art equipment. Equipment presented at the seminar: oscilloscopes (from 100 MHz to 80 GHz) Functional generators; spectrum analysers; logic analysers; Read more

International Scientific and Practical Forum ‘Science and Business – the Basis of Economic Development’

11 – 12 October 2012. The Ministry of Education and Science, Youth and Sports of Ukraine, on the basis of the O. Honchar Dnipro National University and the A. Makarov National Centre for Aerospace Education of Youth, held the International Scientific and Practical Forum ‘Science and Business – the basis of economic development’ in Dnipro. The Forum was attended by 80 leading higher education institutions of Ukraine, Russia, Turkey, Kazakhstan and 25 Ukrainian enterprises. National Aviation University was represented at the Forum by two structural units: Virage and Aerospace Centre. The purpose of the Forum was to demonstrate the scientific Read more

‘Future prospects of EGNOS and GNSS technologies in Ukraine’

On 27 September 2012, within the framework of the V World Aviation Congress ‘Aviation in the XXI Century’, a roundtable discussion ‘Future Prospects of EGNOS and GNSS Technologies in Ukraine’ was held. It brought together participants from different countries to discuss topical issues, exchange information and improve mutual understanding among organisations working in the field of GNSS. The roundtable was organised by the National Aviation University in cooperation with the Italian company Valdani Vicari & Associati S.r.l. The following foreign organisations were represented among the participants: RSOE – National Association of Radio Emergency Notification and Infocommunications (Hungary), CLAAS Agrosystems (Germany), Read more