Workshop on the implementation of performance-based navigation (PBN)
On 29 April 2015, the National Aviation University (NAU), Kyiv (Ukraine), hosted a Workshop on Performance-Based Navigation (PBN) within the framework of the XII International Scientific and Technical Conference ‘AVIA-2015’.
The seminar was organised within the framework of the international project UKRAINE (UKraine Replication, Awareness and INnovation based on EGNSS), which is part of the Horizon 2020 programme. The goal of the UKRAINE project, in accordance with the announced GALILEO-3-2014 call for proposals, is to accelerate the development of global navigation satellite systems (GNSS) applications and promote their widespread adoption in Ukraine. The international cooperation aims to create opportunities for knowledge development and commercial implementation of technologies. One of the expected contributions of this project is to prepare the Ukrainian aviation market for the expansion of the European Geostationary Navigation Overlay System (EGNOS) to Ukraine.
Programme of the Workshop:
- GNSS systems for aviation – Mercedes Reche (PildoLabs, Spain)
- Presentation of Performance Based Navigation (PBN) – Mark Torres (PildoLabs, Spain)
- Flight testing of procedures using Performance Based Navigation (PBN) – Mercedes Reche and Mark Torres
- Implementation examples – Mark Torres
- Presentation of the UKRAINE project and interim results – Mercedes Reche
- Presentation of the Ukrainian PBN plan – Pavlo Kud (UkSATSE, Ukraine)
- NAU experience in research and application of GNSS technologies in Ukraine – Svitlana Ilnytska (NAU, Ukraine)
Participants of the workshop:
- Kharchenko Volodymyr Petrovych, Vice-Rector for Scientific Work, NAU
- Kondratiuk Vasyl Mykhailovych, Konin Valerii Viktorovych, Kutsenko Oleksandr Viktorovych, Shyshkov Fedir Oleksandrovych, Aerospace Centre, NAU
- Shmeleva Tetiana Fedorivna, Head of the Department of Aeronautics, NAU
- Lukianchuk Roman Eduardovych, Sivolap Vasyl Petrovych and Zadorozhna Alina Oleksandrivna, State Aviation Administration of Ukraine
- Rudyi Oleksii Anatoliiovych, UkSATSE
- Petrovskyi Oleh Mykolaiovych, First Deputy Director General for Investment Activity and Coordination with Air Carriers, Kyiv International Airport (Zhulyany) Municipal Enterprise
- Lyubytskyi Oleh Lvovych, Head of Flight Safety Control and Air Navigation Support Service, Kyiv International Airport (Zhulyany)
- Volokh Kostiantyn Pylypovych, First Deputy Head of the National Centre for Spacecraft Control and Testing of the State Space Agency of Ukraine
- Ilyuchok Oleh Mykolaiovych, Head of the Department for Organisation of Research and Testing Work of the National Centre for Space Facilities Management and Testing of the State Space Agency of Ukraine
- Didkivska Svitlana Mykolaivna, Coordinator of the Transport Sector, Delegation of the European Union to Ukraine
- Viktor Sushko, Director of Geoscan Company
- Valeriy Adamovych Polishchuk, First Deputy General Director of MASTER-AVIA LLC
- Andriy Kryvovyaz, Head of Marketing Research Department, State Enterprise ‘Orion-Navigation’
Maksym Strikha, Deputy Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine, sent a letter of support with wishes for fruitful cooperation and successful future international projects.
In addition to the presentations, the event also included an open discussion and debate on various aspects of the implementation of Performance Based Navigation (PBN). GNSS systems for aviation, flight checks, the Ukrainian PBN implementation plan and NAU’s experience in research and application of GNSS technologies in Ukraine were the topics that aroused great interest among the participants.
Open discussions were held between representatives of UkSATSE, NAU, Zhuliany Airport and PildoLabs on possible cooperation to implement PBN approach procedures in Ukraine. PildoLabs, which has extensive experience in the development and validation of PBN procedures, confirmed that they fully support the progress of the UKRAINE project to quickly implement PBN approach procedures at a Ukrainian airport.

This project was funded by the European GNSS Agency under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 641517.