‘Satellite radio navigation systems’ by V.V.Konin, V.P.Kharchenko

The book discusses global satellite radio navigation systems and navigation characteristics from the perspective of the needs of CNS/ATM and international organisations: ICAO, IMO, Eurocontrol. Characteristics of navigation satellite signals, algorithms for generating signals and corrective information, methods for calculating satellite orbital motion, coordinate transformation and solving navigation problems are presented. The course covers the design of aviation differential satellite stations and adaptive antenna systems for interference countermeasures. MatLab programs are included that cover all procedures for secondary processing of navigation satellite data.
The book is intended for engineers and technicians in the fields of design and operation of navigation systems, geodesy, transport management, as well as for students and postgraduates specialising in aerospace systems.
Reviewers: Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Director of the Main Astronomical Observatory of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Y. Yatskiv; First Deputy Director General of the National Space Agency of Ukraine V. Komarov.
Systems of satellite radio navigation / V.V. Konin, V.P. Kharchenko; National Aviation University – K.: Holtech, 2010 -520 p.

Системы спутниковой радионавигации

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